
Disaster Recovery and Backup Solutions

Set up a disaster recovery plan and backup data to avoid costly interruptions. Make sure your business is safe with Tekscape’s Disaster Recovery as a Service. Prepare for tomorrow by planning today.

Cloud Based Disaster Recovery Plans

Tekscape’s disaster recovery plan is scalable, private, and reliable. If there is a disaster, Tekscape is able to provide on-demand virtual desktop support, virtualization, storage, and secured recovery. Ensure privacy and reliability with quality customer support when the time comes. It may not be pleasant to think about, but there are any number of catastrophic events that could make it very difficult for your company to keep going with business as usual. Wildfires, hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes are all possible, depending what region you’re located in. Or consider the frightening, but real, possibility of a massive cyberattack that results in data theft or loss.

FEMA found that 40 to 60% of businesses that suffer disasters never reopen their doors. And even for those that do, 90% fail within a year if they’re not able to reopen within the space of five days.

We build disaster recovery plans that incorporate your cloud storage services. Steps include:

Perform a business impact analysis

In the event of a business interruption, you need to be able to prioritize what data is mission-critical for your operation, and which can wait a little longer for restoration. This will ensure that you don’t panic in the event of a disaster and are able to provide clear directions for your IT team to aid the restoration efforts. This template can help you plan.

Conduct a risk analysis

How vulnerable is your company to a disruptive event? Look at data to help you understand the implications, such as historical weather data, FEMA reports, and reports of third party vendor cyberattacks. After reviewing available data, you should be able to gauge the different types of scenarios that might impact your business, and get a better sense of how likely each type is to occur.

Build a risk management strategy

Now that you know what the risks are and the potential impact to your business, it’s important to build an emergency budget and plan to restore your mission-critical data operations, identifying the tools, internal resources, and outside vendors that can help you do this. Make sure you carefully read any vendors’ Service Level Agreements to understand their recovery time objective (RTO)—the acceptable duration for applications to be out of action—and recovery point objectives (RPO)—the acceptable amount of time data is down for, and choose one that offers fast recovery time guarantees within your target budget.

Maintain customer confidence by backing up your data and implementing a disaster recovery plan.

Reduce Overall Costs

Reduce hardware, software, licensing, maintenance, and hosting costs.

Recovery Point Objective

Measure back in time to when your data was preserved in a usable format.

Recovery Time Objective

Gain RTO and understand the allowable amount of time a system can be down.

24/7 Customer Support

Gain full support and transparency over every process toward data recovery.

Maintain customer confidence by backing up your data and implementing a disaster recovery plan.

  • Reduce Overall Costs
  • Reduce hardware, software, licensing, maintenance, and hosting costs.
  • Recovery Time Objective
  • Gain RTO and understand the allowable amount of time a system can be down.
  • Recovery Point Objective
  • Measure back in time to when your data was preserved in a usable format.
  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • Gain full support and transparency over every process toward data recovery.
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